So, yesterday I turned 22. I don't know if I can relate to Taylor Swift in actually feeling like I'm 22 years old, but I do feel like I'm now at a point in life where I'm going to have to start making some big decisions and meeting goals.
There's no clear timeline for when life will start going back to "normal." Since there's no telling if this year will be similar to last year, full of uncertainties, I didn't want to make any goals specifically for 2021. But I did want to start setting goals for myself, so I decided to make goals to complete in the next three years. Most of these goals are just activities that I have yet to do or want to continue to do (many depend on whether there's still a pandemic), but some are actual adult decisions that I will have to make soon. So here are 25 goals that I have set for myself to complete in the next three years by the time I am 25 years old.
1. Get My Master's Degree
2. Find a Teaching Position
3. Create a Budget (and follow it)
4. Find a Place to Live
5. Create My Own Home Library
6. Start a Habit of Saving
7. Adopt a Cat
8. Write a Book
9. Learn to Play Chess
10. Learn to Drive a Manual Car
11. Keep Reading Regularly
12. Travel Whenever I Can
13. Ride the Entire Capital Trail
14. See NYC at Christmas Time
15. Revisit U.S. National Parks
16. Ski in the Northeast
17. Learn to Surf
18. Compete in a CrossFit Competition
19. Learn to Handstand Walk
20. Run a 1/2 Marathon
21. Complete an Olympic Distance Triathlon
22. Knit a Sweater
23. Bake a Pie with Fresh Fruit
24. Make Homemade Ice Cream